
Get the address book that updates itself!

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Why is everyone’s address book out of date and incomplete? Because it is tedious and never ending work!


Get the address book that updates itself! Make sure that your contacts know how to reach you when you change jobs and your friends know your new home address. Plus you are always in control. Simply update your profiles and people will know only what you want them to know.

Best of all, you won’t ever have to search for updated contact details either. Now your friends and colleagues update their contact details in your address book!

Staying connected is as easy as 1-2-3-4.

Create different profiles

Choose what contact information you share. Define profiles for work contacts, friends & family or others you know. Then choose the profile you wish to share with them. Even if your contacts aren’t yet using knō™ (we can’t understand why either!), you can still add them to a profile … and invite them to join!

Inform your contacts

No mass emails saying you are changing companies. Modify any profile with your new contact information and instantly everyone will know how to best reach you. Your contacts on knō™ will have their address books automatically updated and everyone else you put in that profile will get a vCard emailed to them.

Updates your address book

Receive updates from your connections whenever they change jobs or move into a new home. No more typing or remembering to update their details, let knō™ update the details in your contact list for you.

Your world in your hand

With knō™, never spend time searching online or for that email with your contact’s new coordinates. Instantly reach whomever you know, hassle-free, and all color-coded to the profile you’ve shared with them.

Knō – Built for you.

Share What You Want

Customize your profiles to include the information you wish to share with different groups. Home, work, cellphone, social media. The choice is yours.

Always Up-To-Date

Never worry about calling the wrong number or emails bouncing again. Once connected, your address book will always be up-to-date.

No Hassle Notification

Get alerted when a contact has updated their details and choose to sync. We’re removing the hassle of managing your address book.

Multiple Languages

Got an office in New York, and one in Shanghai? With knō™, you can create your profiles in any language and look like a local to clients.

Forgot Your Business Cards?

No problem. Exchange contact details other users directly within the app or add new contacts with only a few clicks.

Your Device, Your Data

Manage and control the flow of your data from your device. Share your data with your friends & colleagues, not us. Unlike others, we want none of that.

Easy Sync

Automatically synchronizes updates with your Google or iCloud contacts whenever you receive an update.

More To Come

We are just getting started with functions and features to make your life easier. Stay tuned!





“Never having to search for a contact’s new info is fantastic. I love knō.”

Omer Majeed

knō is worth so much to my business. Things are just easier with knō.”

Pat Crosscombe

CEO of BoardSpace



Pricing table.

Forever Free Plan


Per / month.

Android logo blue Apple logo blue

Small grey checkmark

1000 Knō connections

Small grey checkmark

3 profiles

Small grey checkmark

Unlimited updates

Small grey checkmark

No ads. Ever!

Plus Plan


Per / month
($49.99 when paid annually).

Android logo blue Apple logo blue

Small grey checkmark

2000 Knō connections

Small grey checkmark

5 profiles

Small grey checkmark

50 monthly
business card scans

Small grey checkmark

Unlimited updates

Small grey checkmark

No ads. Ever!

Pro Plan


Per / month
($99.99 when paid annually).

Android logo blue Apple logo blue

Small grey checkmark

Unlimited Knō connections

Small grey checkmark

7 profiles

Small grey checkmark

250 monthly
business card scans

Small grey checkmark

Unlimited updates

Small grey checkmark

No ads. Ever!

Contact us.

13 + 8 =

Kno icon on blue background

KnoRe:Me Inc is working to change how people connect and stay connected, by making the whole process easier and reduce the workload in our lives.

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78 George St, Suite 204
Ottawa, ON K1N 5W1