Dec 27, 2017 | Customer Service, Privacy, Technology
As we ahead into year end, the past months have been an amazing experience. By diving deeper into software/app development and determining where KnoRe:Me Inc. is heading, I’m also seeing how the environment around us is evolving. We have a new generation, born...
Oct 28, 2017 | Customer Service
You don’t last very long in business if you don’t take pay attention to what is important to your customers. While you can have a great mission or slogan, that culture must permeate throughout the organization. This is especially true when dealing with...
Oct 13, 2017 | Customer Service
When you start building something for people to use, you must stay user focused. It isn’t what the entrepreneur wants, nor what they technology can do. Steve Jobs is famous for saying “a lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show...